Adkote is the largest directory of digital marketing agencies and freelancers in Toronto and GTA. We don’t only want to connect individuals and businesses together but create new opportunities for agencies and freelancers alike. We aim to be a thought leader that offers advice, tips, and the right experts for each situation.

For Agencies

We help you find new business opportunities by redirecting new leads to your website. We know that competition is tough for Digital Marketing Agencies. So show off your skills and promote your content to every lead on this website by submitting a blog post.

For Freelancers

We help leads find you. Without a website or an agency behind you, we make sure potential customers still know how to get in touch with you. For more visibility, you can also promote your work on our website – by submitting a blog post for example.

For more information, to update or add your listing, or submit a blog post, reach out to us at We would love to hear from you!